Sunday, December 31, 2017

String problems

  1. What is difference between 1 and “1”
  2. How strings are different than numbers
  3. How strings are represented in computer memory?
  4. What is meant by length of string
  5. What is difference between a line and a string
  6. If the string is considered as an ordered array of characters explain with example effect of following on string “WELCOME”
  7. Separate, Split, Index, Select, reorder one or more characters or reverse the entire string
  8. If Word is string, can Sentence be a string? How to split sentence in words?
  9. If Sentence  is string, can Paragraph be a string? How to split Paragraph in sentences?
  10. What is meaning of line in paragraph? How to split paragraph in lines?
  11. If Paragraph is string, can Page be a string? How to split Page in paragraphs?
  12. If Page is a string, can book be a string? How to split book in pages?
  13. If book is a string can we apply the same operations of string to it?
  14. Can we separate, Split, Index, Select, reorder one or more characters, words, lines, sentences, paragraphs, pages  or reverse the entire book string
  15. Can we join to strings?
  16. How to join words to form sentence, sentences to lines, lines to paragraphs, paragraphs to pages, pages to book or books to new big book?
  17. How to locate, find or replace a character, part of word, word and so on in a book?
  18. How can we compare two strings?
  19. How to find number of occurrences of particular string ( from character to pages) in a book
  20. How the characters are ordered or indexed?
  21. How the strings are ordered or indexed?
  22. Why ordering strings of characters other than English is difficult?
  23. How we can achieve it?
  24. What is difference between ASCII and ISCII.
  25. What is the basis of encryption? Can you evolve your own encryption of string like password?
  26. Can you make password changing automatically after every use or after time lapse?
  27. What is difference between raster and vector image
  28. Is font image raster or vector type
  29. Why the Yahoo and other sites ask you to retype string from a warped image while filling form?
  30. What is OCR? How the scanned text can be recognized and converted to document?
  31. How can you program OCR for non English fonts
  32. Can raster image be considered as a string of pixels so that all string operations can be done on it.

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