Sunday, December 31, 2017

Random Number problems

  1. Find the random number between 1 and 100.
  2. Find the random number between Min and Max where Min and Max are integers.
  3. Find the random number between Min and Max where Min and Max are values with 2 decimals. ( Tip- Convert to integer and back to real number)
  4. Find the coordinates of random point  between 0,0 and 1,50.
  5. Find the coordinates of random point  between 0,0 and 100,50.
  6. Find the coordinates of random point  between 50,20 and 100,50.
  7. Find the coordinates of random point  between x1,y1 and x2,y2 where x1
  8. Find the coordinates of random points on sides of triangle where vertices are (0,0),(50,0) and (0,50).
  9. Find the coordinates of random points on sides of triangle where vertices are (x1,y1),(x2,y2) and (x3,y3).
  10. Find the coordinates of random line joining any two sides of a triangle.
  11. Find the length of random line joining any two sides of a triangle.
  12. Find the length of random line joining any two points on the circle where 100,100 is centre and 50 is radius.
  13. Find the length of random line joining any two points on the circle where x1,y1 is centre and r is radius.
  14. Find the coordinates of any arc  on the circle where x1,y1 is centre and r is radius.
  15. Find the random number between an array of numbers ( 23,54,15,87,43,29,5)
  16. Find the random point  between an array of number of points ( (0,0),(23,32),(54,15),(87,43),(29,5))
  17. Find the random letter between a to z.
  18. Find the random letter between A to z
  19. Find the random fruit between (“Mango”,”Banana”,”Guava”,”Orange”,”Watermelon”)
  20. Find product of any two random numbers between 1 and 20.
  21. Find the random number between  1 and 20. Remove that number from list and find random number from remaining numbers and continue the process.
  22. Select two images at random from each category and prepare photo gallery
  23. Select one joke from each category and prepare Todays Jokes page
  24. Select random color from web safe colors for graphic each time
  25. Select random question from each category and prepare a question paper.
  26. Generate new question and answer each time by taking random value for one parameter between set min and max numbers.
  27. Generate new question and answer each time by taking random value for many parameters between set min and max limits for each parameter.
  28. Draw triangle with random coordinates where lengths of sides are between min and max limits
  29. Draw circle with fixed radius and centre at random on a line segment.

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