Sunday, September 28, 2008

Suggestions to fight terrorism - Reduce casualties by proper crowd management

We often see the crowds overflowing the road with no access to rescue teams if some mishap occurs. You can visualise the Rathyatra in Puri, Ganesh procession in Mumbai or many such ceremonies in various parts of country. Eventhough police claim to have proper traffic control and security and rescue readiness, it becomes physically impossible to reach the spot for anybody leave apart the police vehicles, firefighting vans or ambulence. The result is high number of casualties just by stampade.

Proper crowd control and management is necessary to provide some discipline for the crowd. A small strip of road along the length must be kept empty by raising barricades for easy deployment of rescue teams. Eventhough road width for procession or congragation is somewhat reduced, it is essential for protection of life of many people which may loose their lives only due to unruly mob.

Police and medical teams should be located on all crossroads with necessary vehicles and other facilities.

A national debate with brain storming sessions and people participation should be initialised to combat terrorism.

Nationalise all explosives

( please read my earlier blog " Strong info-structure needed for fighting terrorism." )
The terrorism breeds on easy and uncontrolled access to explosives and explosive component materials.
Explosives are mainly used in construction industry and contractors purchase explosives in open market, store in insecure godowns and give them to workers for excavation activity.
Minor explosives are crackers used for entertainment and are easily available to anybody.
If all explosive materials and products are closely monitored and tagged by RFID like tracking device, the source and men behind explosions can be easily tracked.
Banning use of explosives and relying only on nonexplosive manual methods will increase employment but will not be economical and efficient.
If all explosive operations are nationalized.; ie not only manufacture, storage, distribution, but its actual use also only by employees of national corporate body, better and effective security can be provided.
Thus any excavation work of other work needing explosives can only be handled by designated staff.
I hope if this arrangement is made mandatory for all countries by UNO or international body to fight terrorism, we can significantly reduce terrorist bomb explosions by miscreants.